About Me

I graduated UGA in the spring of 2017 with a major in Computer Science and a New Media Certificate. Now I'm working at AT&T as an Associate Application Developer. Outside of work I enjoy participating in Hackathons, and learning new technologies.


Description TBD

Online eye exam

Description TBD

Voice Control

On the bottom-left you will notice a blue mic icon. Click on it and you will activate voice control. Currently there are only 2 commands "view resume" and "view github".

Click on the game to start playing. Your mouse will control the direction you are looking. </br>Controls: </br> Move right : D-key </br> Move left : A-key </br> Move up : W-key </br> Move down : S-key </br> Jump : Space-key </br> Shoot : Ctrl-key


Escape is a Unity-version of 'A game'. It was created in Unity and deployed on Unity Web Player. You will not be able to play this on Google Chrome browser. The Unity Web Player is depricated so I do not believe they will bring support to Google Chrome.

Controls: </br> Move right : L-key </br> Move left : J-key </br> Move up : I-key </br> Move down : K-key </br> Shoot : C-key </br> Jump : X-key

A game

'A game' was created in the impactJS game engine. It is a 2d-side scroller game with multiple levels.

Description TBD

A-Star simulation

A* simulation where you get to decide the searching algorithm and heuristic values. Grids can be randomly generated or uploaded through a file. Steps can be taken one at a time or automatically.

Controls: </br> Move right : D-key </br> Move left : A-key </br> Move up : W-key </br> Move down : S-key


A simple pacman game, but now the ghosts can move through the walls. Can you collect all the pellets?

Controls: </br> Move right : D-key </br> Move left : A-key

Reverse Pong

Here is a very simple javascript game, which is similar to pong, but makes you dodge the ball instead of hitting it.

New Media

The New Media program at the University of Georgia is a great way to learn about well.... New Media. I really enjoyed completing this certificate as it helped me learn about many different applications of computer science. During my time in this program I've worked with 2 professors, Chris(left) and Emuel(right) and taken 3 main classes: New Media Production, New Media Design, and New Media Capstone.

New Media development was my version of web development. I learned how to work with HTML, CSS, JS, and a little bit of PHP in creating my website. My final project for this class was implementing voice control on my website (which can be seen on the bottom left of the screen). New Media Design focused on the application of fundamental design principles to create user-friendly new media projects in an aesthetically pleasing manner. We explored UI and UX design topics and emerging fields such as interaction design and motion graphics. New Media Capstone focused on the applying the knowledge we learned in the classroom to the real world. The objective of the class was to create and advertise a product that is not yet out in the market.